
In mental health,
it's a journey we traverse together!

Refd is a supportive companion
to navigate life's challenges with you

Remember, there are those who can extend a helping hand to you.

Your path to optimal well-being and enhanced care awaits, Discover a comprehensive range of licensed and reliable psychological care services and consultations all in one place! We offer immediate access to accredited specialists and an efficient digital communication platform, ensuring a secure and motivating environment for you
Privacy and Confidentiality

We are committed to protecting the privacy of user data and work diligently to ensure the confidentiality of all personal information, creating a safe environment for speaking freely and confidently.

Ease of Access

We allow individuals to communicate with mental health experts online, providing them with the opportunity to receive psychological support and counseling at any place and time that suits them.

Variety of Services

We offer a variety of services to meet diverse needs, allowing individuals to choose from a wide range of services that suit each person’s requirements and meet every family’s needs.

Enjoy the online psychological
consultation service

Refd Blog

Amidst life's complexities, you can discover the path and the companion toward healing,

To create inspiring success stories for others!

Contact us

You can contact Refd through

King Khalid International Airport, Unit Number 8908 Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Throughout the week:

From 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM.

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You can now book home sessions with multiple services that meet your children’s needs with Refed